You can buy list for STB EMU and m3u list for Smart IPTV application

Remini Premium 10€

for more information write us in our official email


Important announcement for all fans of stb emu lines

  there will be no more posts for stb emu lines.
  But you can buy lines from the best servers in the world at a very reasonable  Prices of 44 €uros per Year where you can buy lines with shorter terms 
for 3 months 15€ ,
6 months 25€ and 
1 year 44€

for more information you should contact us at our official email: " "
where you can also get a discount if you pay for one-year lines


                                                         ↘️  ↙️

     " Per shqiptaret nje Tjeter aplikacion Premium IPTV Shqiptare per pajisjet tuaja Android , me shum kanale Kombtare , filma, dokumentare , programe per femi, e me qindra video te gjitha kohrave me humor  e shum qka tjeter qe do te mbeteni te knaqur qdo dite qe do ta shikoni nje aplikacion Premium pa reklama pa nderprerje thjesht punon edhe me nje internet te dobet mesatar. Te cilin mund ta bleni me nje shum monetare.. 
Prej 20 euro.. qe ta keni aplikacionin per muaj te ter e ndoshta edhe per  vite ne vijim ku kanalet e programave telvizive mund ti ndrroni me tastet e telekomandes tuaj vetem posht lart dhe me numra sikur te ishit duke par drejtperdrejt ne Televizorin tuaj 
Per me shum informata na kontaktoni ne emailin ton zyrtar;




  1. Punon per mrrekulli, JU FALEMINDERIT

  2. Can you add file please

  3. Some know An emu to use under Linux mas windows.. please

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  5. Bravo ju rujt zoti dhe ishallla shendet pacit gjithmon.

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